In the heart of Mitakawani village, renowned for its unique spices, lies an aromatic secret – the Cinnamon Tree Leaves. Sweeter and more intriguing than the traditional bay laurel, these leaves encapsulate the gentle essence of cinnamon. Steep them in hot water, and you’re greeted with a beautifully aromatic cinnamon tea, a testimony to nature’s splendor. These leaves, often overlooked, are a byproduct of our prime real cinnamon trees. As the cinnamon bark is harvested, the leaves are gathered, ensuring our partner farmers in Mitakawani make the most of every tree. Traditionally used into rice dishes such as Pilau and stews such as Zanzibar Biryani, these leaves lend a nuanced herbal flavour complemented by a cinnamon aroma. Try it in your next stew for that little bit of ‘je ne sais quois’ and making your guests wonder. Experience the notes of molasses, bay leaf, and herbal richness in every bite or sip.
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